first stop was Beaucaire where I believe Hannibal crossed the Rhone with his elephants, but the town turned out to be very dissapointing so it was north to Avignon, a much more spectacular location even if the camping site was completely scorpion infested, eventually after a few days I made it to Valence where the Isere flows into the Rhone this is where I depart for the Alps proper.
With a lighter pack ,after leaving most of my kit in Nimes including all but one of my lenses, going solo with the 35mm, to keep everything as light as possible.
Again the going has been hard, the legs are really starting to complain, especially the left calf muscle, Only a few days more if this and i can relax, tiredness is oozing out of my pores, the fatigue transcribes itself into my blog and diary entries, I fumble with the pen and keyboard,
The other night I dreamed I didn,t complete the trip, and was very relieved when I awoke to find myself in a field somewhere in the Haute Alps,east of the Rhone.
so, as long as the body holds out the mind is willing, I have new blisters over old ones, never knew it was possible, but the mountains draw me onwards and upwards, the air is cleaner and cooler, the sun not as hot but the nights not as pleasent as in the Rhone valley or Spanish countryside, still, this is what I came for. Im sure the wearyness will wane when I am among the towering alps,